The Skellig Rocks can be seen to the right of the stone.

Cool East

Early Christian Site/Ogham Stone

We came across the site completely by accident. On our way up to the wedge tomb at Cool East we passed through Old Killeenadreena Graveyard. I wish I had done my homework before coming here because at first glance the site did not look that promising. There was a large pillar standing in the southeast quadrant of the enclosure and the stump of many gravemarkers sticking up through the long grass. The pillar turned out to be a 2.06 metre high cross inscribed ogham stone. The ogham which is on the west face reads "LOGITTI MAQI ERPENN". Also located around the site are the remains of several huts, a shrine, a leacht and a holed stone. The site offers splendid views over Portmagee Channel to the mainland and out west to the Skelligs.

Situated: From Portmagee drive on to Valentia Island, Staying on the R565 for 3 kilometres. Turn left for 1.3 kilometres. At the crossroads turn right and park passed the next gate on your left. The site is through the gate.

Discovery Map 83: V 3769 7585. Last visit Sept 2012.

Longitude: 10° 21' 33" W

Latitude: 51° 54' 41" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

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